About Tana

Tana Copenhagen provides expert advise to clients improving people’s lives across the globe. We have carried out more than 400 assignments for governments, NGOs, international organisitions and the corporate sector. 

Where we work

We have a global outlook but with a special focus on Africa, the Middle East and Asia. We work in fragile and conflict affected as well as stable development contexts. For an overview of our geographical coverage click here.

Our staff

Our in-house consultants are all specialists within their fields and have extensive geographical as well as technical expertise. They combine a mixture of backgrounds, typically drawing from previous positions within international organisations (UN and EU), Ministries of Foreign Affairs and non-governmental organisations. We master four of the six major UN languages namely English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Read more about our in-house consultants.

When we need to deploy larger teams or provide specialist expertise that our in-house team does not have, our core staff can be supplemented by a number of close associates, as well as other experts and partner companies who are on the ground in priority countries. Together they make up a large, trusted and professional network.

Achieving results

Achieving results and optimising the effectiveness of international aid is a major priority for us. We strive to find the best modalities for achieving results in all our services: by identifying drivers of change, managing for results and promoting ownership, aligning with national plans where feasible, harmonising to the extent possible with other partners, and encouraging mutual accountability. We combine international good practice with our experience from the field so that every assignment benefits from a methodology that is tailored to the context in which it is located and optimised to produce results. We apply a theory of change model to ensure that the change logic and assumptions upon which programming rests are clear.

Our experience is that the effectiveness of aid can be optimised when it:

  • Is owned by the partner receiving the support
  • Is designed together with the partner
  • Responds to clearly identified needs
  • Is non-discriminatory, participatory, transparent and accountable, and
  • Helps secure fundamental human rights.

This approach is also intimately linked to our values, which prioritise inclusion and participation, learning, dialogue and integrity. In order to ensure that these values are applied in practice, we use a Quality Assurance System that is compliant with international standards. We also apply our own Business Integrity Management System.

Sustainability Report 2024

Tana Copenhagen is committed to minimising our environmental footprint and fostering sustainability in all aspects of our operations. We recognize that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements.

Some of our clients

Our clients are leading development agencies, including Danida, Sida, NORAD, DFID, EU, World Bank, UN, as well as Non-Governmental Organisations, think tanks, private foundations and companies.