About Tana

Tana Copenhagen provides expert advise to clients improving people’s lives across the globe. We have carried out more than 400 assignments for governments, NGOs, international organisitions and the corporate sector. 

Where we work

We have a global outlook but with a special focus on Africa, the Middle East and Asia. We work in fragile and conflict affected as well as stable development contexts. For an overview of our geographical coverage click here.

Our staff

Our in-house consultants are all specialists within their fields and have extensive geographical as well as technical expertise. They combine a mixture of backgrounds, typically drawing from previous positions within international organisations (UN and EU), Ministries of Foreign Affairs and non-governmental organisations. We master four of the six major UN languages namely English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Read more about our in-house consultants.

When we need to deploy larger teams or provide specialist expertise that our in-house team does not have, our core staff can be supplemented by a number of close associates, as well as other experts and partner companies who are on the ground in priority countries. Together they make up a large, trusted and professional network.

Achieving results

Achieving results and optimising the effectiveness of international aid is a major priority for us. We strive to find the best modalities for achieving results in all our services: by identifying drivers of change, managing for results and promoting ownership, aligning with national plans where feasible, harmonising to the extent possible with other partners, and encouraging mutual accountability. We combine international good practice with our experience from the field so that every assignment benefits from a methodology that is tailored to the context in which it is located and optimised to produce results. We apply a theory of change model to ensure that the change logic and assumptions upon which programming rests are clear.

Our experience is that the effectiveness of aid can be optimised when it:

  • Is owned by the partner receiving the support
  • Is designed together with the partner
  • Responds to clearly identified needs
  • Is non-discriminatory, participatory, transparent and accountable, and
  • Helps secure fundamental human rights.

This approach is also intimately linked to our values, which prioritise inclusion and participation, learning, dialogue and integrity. In order to ensure that these values are applied in practice, we use a Quality Assurance System that is compliant with international standards. We also apply our own Business Integrity Management System.

Some of our clients

Our clients are leading development agencies, including Danida, Sida, NORAD, DFID, EU, World Bank, UN, as well as Non-Governmental Organisations, think tanks, private foundations and companies.

Tana’s Policies

Copenhagen, August 2017

Statement on Business Integrity and Code of Conduct

Tana Copenhagen Aps and any person or sub-contractor hired by the Tana Copenhagen are bound by values of integrity, transparency and responsibility and conduct business to the highest ethical standards and consequently do not tolerate bribery and corrupt behavior as outlined in this business management integrity system.

We will not in our services accept or offer any payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which constitutes fraud, illegal or corrupt practices, neither directly or indirectly as an inducement or reward in relation to tendering, award or execution of contracts.

Any such practice will be grounds for the immediate cancellation of the contract and for additional legal actions, civil and/or criminal as may be appropriate.

Code of Professional Conduct

Tana Copenhagen’s Business Integrity Management System (BIMS) fulfils the policies and recommendations of OECD.
As full-fledged member of Association of Danish Management Consulting Firms (ADMCF) we abide by ADMCF’s “Code of Professional Conduct”. ADMCF organizes most of the Danish consultancy companies, which are not founded on civil- engineering competencies.

The following principles are applicable for the members who ascribe to the Code of Professional Conduct, we:

  1. Only accept assignments that we have the skills and knowledge to perform.
  2. Will carry out the assignment effectively.
  3. Will draw up a written agreement for any assignment and ensure current evaluation with the client of their mutualexpectations.
  4. Will work loyally in all dealings with the client.
  5. Will maintain a professional and proper approach towards the client’s potential or current employees andcustomers.
  6. Will treat client information as confidential.

BIMS is implemented in Tana Copenhagen through the following management principles:

  • The management of Tana Copenhagen signs all contracts with clients after having secured that the contracts are inaccordance with legal, integrity and code of conduct requirements.
  • For each assignment a project manager is appointed, who is responsible for ensuring that the assignment is carriedout in accordance with the values and code of conduct of Tana Copenhagen.
  • All contracts with sub-contractors must include a paragraph on Business Integrity which reads as follows: “The sub-consultant is obliged to act in accordance with generally accepted good conduct. Thus, no offer, payment, consideration, or benefit of any kind, which constitutes illegal or corrupt practices, shall be made, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement or reward in relation to the tendering, the award of contract, or the execution of the contract. Within the framework of the agreement Tana Copenhagen reserves the right to audit relevant business procedures including financial transactions and related documents. Tana Copenhagen has the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect if the sub-consultant violates the said policy”.
  • All outputs of assignments are quality assured by the project manager and all major final outputs are in addition quality assured by the management (Director, Senior Consultant and/or Business Manager) of Tana Copenhagen.
  • All permanent staff and longer term partners are trained in Tana Copenhagen’s BIMS and all subcontractors andother short-term consultants working for Tana Copenhagen are informed in writing about the BIMS

Copenhagen, November 2018

Integrity Policy and Code of Conduct


This Policy and Code of Conduct is developed for all of Tana’s staff and sub-consultants and will encompass all our operations.

The Code is monitored by Tana’s management and any concern or suspicion of violation of the Code should be reported to them.

The overall principles in the Code are based on the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the Association of Danish Management Consulting Firms (ADMCF). The Code is also aligned with Tana’s Business Integrity Management System(BIMS) and meets the recommendations of OECD.

Permanent staff are trained in the Code, and partners are made aware of the code, which is included as part of their contract.

General principles

Whoever we may deal with, and wherever we may operate, we are committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity. We acknowledge the principles in the UNGC, which are reflected below.

Human Rights
We support and respect the protection of human rights, and in our work, we will pay special attention to the rights of vulnerable groups, including women, children, indigenous peoples and migrants. We commit to not being knowingly complicit to any abuse of human rights in our work and will take appropriate steps to ensure that this is the case.

Labour conditions
We commit to upholding a safe and healthy working environment for our staff and partners. We will not permit any form of forced and/or child labour in relation to our work, and we will avoid any discriminatory practices in our recruitment processes. We will promote respect for diversity and ensure a harassment-free work environment. We will not tolerate any workplace violence, intimidation, abuse of power, or bullying.

We will promote environmental responsibility in our work, when relevant, and consider our environmental footprint when travelling in connection with our work. This implies that we will aim at taking the most direct route and avoid unnecessary travel activities.

As part of our commitment, all forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We must not, and we must ensure that any third party acting on our behalf does not, act corruptly in our dealings with any other person in relation to our services.

We will not in our services, nor in the procurement process, accept or offer any payment, consideration or benefit of any kind, which constitutes fraud, illegal or corrupt practices, neither directly or indirectly as an inducement or reward in relation to tendering, award or execution of contracts.

We will inform our counterparts of any potential conflict of interest, and we will not offer any gifts, meals or entertainment of an excessive value to clients or partners.

Code of Professional Conduct

As a fully -fledged member of the Association of Danish Management Consulting Firms (ADMCF) we abide by ADMCF’s “Code of Professional Conduct”.

The following principles are applicable for the members who ascribe to the Code of Professional Conduct. We:

  • Only accept assignments that we have the skills and knowledge to perform.
  • Will carry out the assignment effectively.
  • Will draw up a written agreement for any assignment and ensure current evaluation with the client of theirmutual expectations.
  • Will work loyally in all dealings with the client.
  • Will maintain a professional and proper approach towards the client’s potential or current employees andcustomers.
  • Will treat client information as confidential.


Tana’s Business Integrity Management System (BIMS)

BIMS is implemented in Tana Copenhagen through the following management principles:

The management of Tana Copenhagen signs all contracts with clients after having secured that the contracts are in accordance with legal, integrity and code of conduct requirements.

For each assignment a project manager is appointed, who is responsible for ensuring that the assignment is carried out in accordance with the values and code of conduct of Tana Copenhagen.

All contracts with sub-contractors must include a paragraph which reads as follows: “The sub-consultant is obliged to actin accordance with Tana Copenhagen’s Integrity Policy and Code of Conduct. Thus, no offer, payment, consideration, orbenefit of any kind, which constitutes illegal or corrupt practices, shall be made, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement or reward in relation to the tendering, the award of contract, or the execution of the contract. Within the framework of the agreement Tana Copenhagen reserves the right to audit relevant business procedures including financial transactions and related documents. Tana Copenhagen has the right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect if the sub-consultant violates the said policy”.

All outputs of assignments are quality assured by the project manager and all major final outputs are in addition quality assured by the management (Director, Senior Consultant and/or Business Manager) of Tana Copenhagen or by an independent Quality Assurance manager appointed by the management.

All permanent staff are trained in Tana Copenhagen’s BIMS and all subcontractors and other short-termconsultants working for Tana Copenhagen are informed in writing about the BIMS.


Copenhagen May 2018


Privacy Policy & Terms of Use


Tana Copenhagen is committed to protecting the privacy of all our individual partners and colleagues. The information we provide in this document is designed to help you understand how we use your information and the choices you have for protecting it.


Personal Data

a) Personal data that is collected
We collect and store information that you (hereinafter “Consultant”) choose to provide us;

  • When submitting your CV, you are voluntarily sharing personally identifiable information such as name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, skype ID, Facebook ID, preferences for short or long term missions, availability, full curriculum vitae, contact history.
  • Individuals working in partner organisations or with clients share personally identifiable information such asname, function, telephone numbers and email address, contact history.
  • Consultants and for Individuals working in organisations, share financial details (incl. VAT) when financial transactions occur.

b) Purpose of use of the Personal data

Consultants share data with Tana with the purpose of being contracted on Tana’s assignments and data on

consultants are solely processed with the purpose of finding consultants employment opportunities on our contracts.Submitting your CV, via Tana’s website or via personal email contact, leads to the creation of a profile in our CV- Database which will contain the information submitted by you. The data about Consultants can be made available to the organisations that Tana collaborates with, including organisations based outside the European Economic Area (EEA), as part of preparing proposals. Is your profile found to be qualified and suitable as part of a consultant team, your data will be shared with external clients only on proposals in which you have agreed to participate.

Financial details are not shared, but are only used by Tana admin staff.
Tana is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of clients and partners to which we share Consultants CVs as part of proposals or contracting.

Data about individuals working in organisations can be made available to the organisations and Tana’s Consultants, can contact them for cooperation opportunities, with the sole purpose of ensuring efficient contract management and communication.

Any financial data is only stored and processed for the purpose of

  • performing financial transactions between Tana Copenhagen and the client/consultants, or
  • respecting Danish legal obligations.

Tana does not provide any Personal data to third parties except if such disclosure is necessary in order to protect legitimate interests of Tana, its clients, or if it is required or permitted by law.

c) Duration the Personal Data is kept

Tana does not keep Personal data for longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and processed.

d) Confidentiality of the Personal data

Tana handles all Personal data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the legal obligations applicable to the processing of Personal data.
Tana has adopted adequate measures to protect all the Personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, un-authorised disclosure of, or access to, Personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Tana optimizes the security of the Personal data by i.a. using encryption, firewalls, password protections and limiting the access to the Personal data. However, the transmission of information via the internet can never be completely secure and the provision of Personal data remains at ones own risk at all times.
If you have the impression that your Personal data is not adequately protected or if there are indications of abuse, please write at gdpr@tanacph.com.

e) User rights with regard to Personal data

Consultants, Individuals working in organisations and Clients have the right to:

  • access their Personal data and to be informed about its use
  • correct their Personal data
  • have their Personal data deleted
  • restrict the use of their Personal data
  • ask for the portability of their Personal data.
    To exercise any of the above-mentioned rights, an email to gdpr@tanacph.com should be sent.



Tana is constantly seeking to improve the experience of interested parties. That is why, for certain sections of the website, cookies are used. The website may contain web beacons.


Tana may not be held legally responsible, either from an express or tacit obligation, towards the Consultant for any indirect or direct damages resulting from submission of personal CVs.

The registered consultant hereby undertakes to regularly update its information.

The Consultant expressly acknowledges:

  • That it is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information sent to Tana
  • That Tana is free to share your data with relevant collaborators


Limitation of liability

The Consultant hereby acknowledges that Tana does not guarantee and is not liable for the contents of curriculum vitae of Consultants and profiles in the organisation database.
The Customer is solely liable for the use it makes of the information provided by Tana.

Tana is not liable for any transaction entered into between its Customers and/or between its Customers and a third party. Under no circumstances shall Tana be a party to such transactions.
Tana does not guarantee any minimum level of orders, income or results.

Contents of the Tana site

The Consultant or other persons accessing Tana’s website acknowledges that the lay-out as well as any item appearing on the Tana website, in particular, but not limited to, the texts, data, projects, databases, graphics, images, designs, logos (hereinafter the “Contents”), are protected by copyright. Any reproduction, adaptation, translation, or public communication of the Contents, or any part thereof, is subject to the prior and written approval of Tana.

The Consultants or other persons accessing the website are not authorised, whether for commercial or purely complimentary means, to copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute or translate all or part of the Contents without the prior and written permission of Tana. The Consultant or other person may not use the Personal data available on the website for marketing purposes.

Tana may insert hypertext link in its pages. However, Tana is not responsible for the contents that appear on the sites of these third parties.

Applicable law

The Privacy Policy & Terms of Use of the Tana website, together with the different relations between Tana and its Consultants are governed by the Danish law, independently of any other jurisdiction. The failure of Tana to exercise the rights granted herein does not mean that it waives its rights to enforce these rights. Should any dispute arise from this contractual relationship, the parties hereby undertake to seek a friendly settlement before going to court.

Copenhagen 02.03.2018

Environmental Policy


Mission statement

Tana Copenhagen recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.


Mette Svendsen, Business Manager, is responsible for ensuring that the environmental policy is implemented. However, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.

Policy aims

We endeavour to:

  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve environmental performance.
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
  • Increase employee awareness.


  • We will minimise the use of paper in the office.
  • We will reuse and recycle all paper where possible.

Energy and water

  • We will seek to reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible.
  • Lights and electrical equipment will be switched off when not in use.
  • Heating will be adjusted with energy consumption in mind.
  • The energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account when purchasing.


Office supplies

  • We will evaluate if the need can be met in another way.
  • We will evaluate if renting/sharing is an option before purchasing equipment.
  • We will favour more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible.

We reuse and recycle everything we are able to.



• We will reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only.

• We will promote the use of travel alternatives such as e-mail or video/phone conferencing.

Maintenance and cleaning

  • Cleaning materials used will be as environmentally friendly as possible.
  • Materials used in office refurbishment will be as environmentally friendly as possible.
  • We only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste.


  • We will involve staff in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance.
  • We will update this policy as needed in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary.
  • We will provide staff with relevant environmental training.
  • We will use local materials where available to reduce CO2 and help the community.

As part of our efforts to reduce our environmental impact, Tana contributes to climate protection by annually offsetting our carbon footprint by 52,45 t CO2 in high quality carbon offset projects.


Copenhagen May 2019

Ethical Guidelines


Tana Copenhagen Aps will at all times demonstrate the highest levels of integrity, truthfulness and honesty in order to uphold both personal and corporate reputations. Regardless the partners and where we may operate, Tana will conduct its business within the corridor of ethical principles outlined in this document. Tana also acknowledges the principles in the UN Global Compact, which are reflected below.

Human Rights

Tana embraces and complies with international convention on human rights. Tana is committed to avoid complicity in human rights abuses in our operations and in our assignment-related activities with special attention to vulnerable groups, including women, children, indigenous peoples and migrants. Any behavior or act violating human rights will not be tolerated.

Labor Condition

Tana is committed to treat all consultants, staffs and partners with dignity and respect with equal opportunities regardless of race, religion, gender, political and sexual orientation, maternity, marital status, family status, disability, age, or nationality. Tana offers a safe and healthy working environment and Tana will not tolerate any form of harassment, violence, intimidation, abuse of power, bullying as well as forced and/or child labor in relation to our operations and in our assignment-related activities.


Tana will take into account environmental aspects and the need to protect it and, when relevant, minimize the impact of its operation have on it. Tana put into consideration our environmental footprint when travelling in connection with our work. This implies that Tana will aim at taking the most direct route and avoid unnecessary travel activities.

Anti Corruption and Bribery

Tana does not allow any form of direct or indirect offer, payment, solicitation or acceptance of bribery and corruption. Any consultants, staffs and partners found and proven to be involved in any kind of corrupt practice will immediately receive termination of employee status or contract and may well have committed a criminal act, which could lead to prosecution. Tana is committed to not act corruptly in any of our dealings with other parties in relation to our service. Tana will also ensure that any third party acting on our behalf upholds the same principle against corruption.

We operate based on the basis of the following ethical values:

1. HONESTY. It is our objective to conduct and communicate our activities in an honest, truthful, properly told and well-presented manner. Tana will not seek to gain anything from misrepresentations, overstatements, partial truths, selective omissions or other forms of false communication. Clients should be given factual information about prices, schedules, service and other terms of business. Consultants, staffs and partners also deserve to be treated fairly, honestly and in accordance with agreed terms.

2. LOYALTY. Tana aims to maintain loyal and mutually beneficial relationship with all of our consultants, staffs, partners and clients without compromising our ethical values.

3. FAIRNESS. Tana is committed to not take unfair advantage through abusing arbitrary power, manipulation, and concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentative communication, or any other unfair-dealing practice.

4. RESPECTS FOR OTHERS. Tana put high respect on human dignity, personal autonomy, privacy and human rights. All consultants, staffs and partners regardless of their colour, race, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or age should be treated fairly and honestly with both respect and dignity.

5. COMPLIANCE. Tana will seek to comply with all international, national and local legislation related to all business activities. Tana will strive to follow the best practice in corporate governance. Tana will meet tax obligations. And Tana will not make any financial contributions or offer support to any political party.

6. COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE. Tana does not compromise on delivering high quality service. We therefore strive to stay well informed and prepared as well as continuously enhance our capacity in order to increase our proficiency in all areas of responsibility.

7. ACCOUNTABILITY. Tana has the obligation to fulfill our duties and accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions, be they positive or negative. We will cooperate and answerable to anyone particularly our clients and partners regarding our operations.

Any consultants, staffs or partners who violate our ethical standards will be subject to disciplinary action which can include verbal warning, written warning, suspension or termination of employment/contract.

Copenhagen May 2019

Research Ethics

Research and evaluation should at all times adhere to the highest standards of integrity and ethics. In order to facilitate this Tana has drawn up Principles on ethical practice in research and evaluation process. All research and evaluation conducted by Tana (wholly or partially) is therefore expected to uphold these principles. At the core, these principles emphasize the need to produce good research and evaluation, and in the same time avoiding doing any harm to the participants as well as the consultants.

“Research” refers to any action or method to seek information from participants, such as interview, focus group discussion, survey, etc.



  1. Ethical approval and research permit.
    Consultants are responsible for identifying any requirements and obtaining any necessary ethical or research approval for the assignment they are undertaking. This is for example official research permit from national or local authorities in targeted countries, formal approval or confirmation from other stakeholder institutions and formal (or possibly informal depending the context) approval from local community leaders.
  2. Quality of research.
    Research must be relevant, high quality and clearly in accordance with Term of Reference. It must be undertaken to a sufficiently high standard that the findings can be reliably used for their intended purpose. Research should only be undertaken where there is a clear gap in knowledge.
  3. Do no harm.
    Consultants should avoid doing harm to participants in research. This includes (but not limited to) physical harm,psychological distress and discomfort, social disadvantage, harm to participants’ financial status and an invasion of participants’ privacy and anonymity. Consultants should ensure that the basic human rights of individuals and groups with whom they interact are protected. This is particularly important with regard to vulnerable people. The wellbeing and safety of consultants working in the field should also be considered and any harm or discomfort should be minimized to the extent necessary.
  4. Informed consent.
    It means that (a) participants of research or evaluation should understand that their participation is voluntarily and without having been coerced and/or deceived, and (b) they are clearly informed what the research and evaluation require from them. Information given to participants may include the organisation conducting the research, the purpose of the research, the methods being used, the possible outcome of the research and evaluation, as well as associated demands and all foreseeable discomforts, inconveniences and risks that the participants may encounter during and after their participation. Any material information that might influenceparticipants’ willingness to give consent should not be withheld from participants.
  5. Right to Withdraw.
    Participants should always have the right to withdraw from research or evaluation process and withdraw any data concerning them at any point without fearing any consequences. When a participant chooses to withdraw from the research process, they should not be pressured or coerced in any way to try and stop them from withdrawing.
  1. Confidentiality, data protection and privacy.
    Consultants should ensure confidentiality of information, privacy and anonymity of research participants at all times. They should abide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 ensuring data protection and privacy for all individuals providing information.Consultants should clearly explain the limits to confidentiality to prospective participants. Consultants should also explain that if they hear or see something that gives cause for concerns, they have a duty to act. That might mean that consultants first encourage the person to talk to someone who could help, or agree that the consultants can talk to someone else on their behalf. In exceptional circumstances such as encountering a serious wrong-doing (e.g. corruption or abuse), it may be necessary for the consultants to breach confidentiality without first talking to the participant considering the ethical need to prevent harm to vulnerable people
  2. Commitment to Human Rights.
    Consultants should conduct the research in accordance with international human rights conventions and covenants to which Denmark is a signatory, regardless of local country standards. They should also take account of local and national laws.
  3. Culturally Sensitive Research.
    Consultants should adopt culturally sensitive approach thus mutual understanding and trust can be fostered and eventually optimal outcome can be obtained. This means, from planning the research until communicating findings, consultants should take account and respect differences in culture, local behaviour and norms, religious beliefs and practices, sexual orientation, gender roles, disability, age and ethnicity and other social differences such as class.
  4. Transparency, Openness and Fairness.
    Tana is fully committed to transparency and openness in publication, communication and dissemination of all evaluations and research. Transparency includes, but not limited to, reporting: (a) full methodological details and (b) information on who has undertaken the research, and (c) material and financial resources supported the research. By fairness, Tana aims to communicate the research fully and fairly reflect the findings. Tana is also open to the sharing of scientific resources, such as methods, measures and (non-personal) data in order to further social science advances. Where possible, and respecting confidentiality requirements, primary data should be kept in files within Tana to allow secondary analyses.
  5. Equal Participation.
    In conducting research, consultants should be inclusive in selecting participants. Consultants shall not exclude individuals as potential participants on the basis of attributes such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, disability and sexual orientation, unless there is a valid reason for the exclusion. Consultants should ensure participation of women and socially excluded groups when relevant. Consideration should however be given to how barriers and risks to participation can be removed.

Copenhagen November 2018

Sexual Harassment Policy


1. Purpose

In Tana Copenhagen we won’t tolerate sexual harassment in any shape or form. Our culture is based on mutualrespect and collaboration. Sexual harassment is a serious violation of those principles. Our sexual harassment policy aims to protect all employees in Tana Copenhagen from unwanted sexual advances and give them guidelines to report incidents.

2. Scope

This policy applies to every person in Tana Copenhagen regardless of gender, sexual orientation, level, function, seniority, status or other protected characteristics. We are all obliged to comply with this policy.

We won’t tolerate sexual harassment from inside or outside of the company. Employees, external sub-contractors and clients, everyone interacting with our company are covered by the present policy.*

3. Definition

Sexual harassment has many forms of variable seriousness. A person may sexually harasses someone when they:

  • Comment on someone’s looks, dress, sexuality or gender in a derogatory or objectifying manner or a mannerthat makes them uncomfortable.
  • Invade another person’s personal space (e.g. inappropriate touching.)
  • Make obscene comments, jokes or gestures that humiliate or offend someone.
  • Send or display sexually explicit objects or messages.
  • Insinuate, propose or demand sexual favors of any kind.

4. How to handle sexual harassment

An employee should never hesitate to express if his/her limits are exceeded. If an employee experience sexual harassment, he/she must clearly communicate that he/she is uncomfortable with the situation, and then report the event to the management team.

It must always be clearly respected if an employee communicate that an act is harassing, even if the accused finds the action innocent.

3.1 If you witness sexual harassment

If an employee is witnessing harassment, it is first and foremost important not to contribute any further to the harassment, for example by laughing. Next, it is the duty of the witness to take a stand against the situation, for example by referring to this policy.

It is advised to talk to the person who is being harassed to clarify if his/her limits have been exceeded. If this is the case, one should help and support his/her colleague to contact the management so that action can be initiated immediately.

4. The procedure

In the event of a complaint / prosecution, as described in this policy, the management will arrange to intervene. The management team will:

  • Initiate a dialogue with the employee who has filed the complaint for a detailed description of the event, including who, when and where the harassment occurred
  • Initiate a dialogue with the employee/external who is accused, in order to determine whether he / she has the same view on the case
  • In some cases it will be necessary to convene possible witnesses to determine whether sexual harassment has taken place.The management will make sure to consider both descriptions of the situation and process the complaint as quickly as possible, while keeping in mind that all parties involved are entitled to a fair treatment.Management will of course display the necessary discretion and protection of the dignity and privacy of the involved. There will not be disclosed any information about the matter to unauthorized persons.Depending on the severity of the event, and the level of supporting documentation, the management selects whether to impose employment law sanctions, relocations, and possibly psychological treatment if needed.

Latest update: 17 March 2018

Tana’s Gender and Social Inclusion Policy

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is a core part of Tana Copenhagen’s work and operations as is evident formour many targeted projects aimed specifically at enhancing gender equality and women’s empowerment as well as inall other projects where we constantly work to ensure a focus on GESI in all aspects of our work.

Tana and its consortium members work on analysing any part of our work against the following questions:

  1. What are the contextual and political-economy factors which affect GESI on the given assignment
  2. How can we ensure that our work improves the GESI situation in a way that do no harm
  3. In what way can we learn and adapt our project as we become more knowledgeable of what works to enhance the GESI agenda

While GESI may not be explicitly referenced in the clients terms of reference, Tana works to ensure attention to the issue in any assignment with a focus on adhering to the human rights commitments.

GESI in research and studies

Research undertaken by Tana in most cases informs policy making and project design. Ensuring GESI in the research and studies undertaken is thus a requisite for ensure that GESI is included in all the other phase of the project implementation cycle. To guide the GESI inclusion in any Tana research, the following questions are sought addressed:

  1. What are the more objective GESI issues that needs to be taken into consideration (e.g. literacy rates;women’s and minority groups representation in e.g. parliament and leading positions in government; health indicators; access to finance; laws on inheritance; statistics on gender based violence (GBV); women and minority casualties in conflict)
  2. What are the potential political-economic and contextual/conflict factors that inhibits GESI (e.g. women and minority groups access to decision-makers; access to law enforcement; systemic barriers; patriarchal power structures in communities preventing women or minorities from raising their voice; use of women as a part of a conflict settlement bargain (such as replacement brides); clan or ethnic dominance undermining rights of minority clans/ethnicities as well as the gender angle related to this; use of rape as a suppression tool by formal or informal authorities)
  3. What opportunities do the political-economy and context include that can improve GESI (e.g. civil society advocates; new social media opportunities; new laws and regulations improving GESI; urbanisation and migration patterns which change women’s and minority groups role in society; women as new bread winnersin situations of conflict; community empowerment initiatives such as revamping formal or informal local authority committees to include women and minority groups)
  4. How can the research be designed so that it is inclusive and participator and thus on the one hand ensures that women and minority groups are heard and included sufficiently, while taking ethical considerations to ensure that no harm is done (e.g. ensure proper representation of women and minority groups in research; priorities where feasible anonymity to protect interviewees; be aware of location and/or presence of other members of the community during the research to limit risk of interviewee (this may include moving interview to neutral place or conduct it via Skype); ensure full understanding and consent of the interviewee; adhere to the EU General Data Protection Regulation)
  5. How can policy recommendations be presented in a way that enhance GESI yet do no harm (e.g. ensuring ownership to recommendations with key power holders; formulate recommendations so that they focus on opportunities; target recommendation to the right audience)

GESI in the design phase

Based on proper research the design can be made to ensure an enhanced focus on GESI in the targeted project. This means that the research should inform the deisgn and how it will affect women and men as well as minorities in different ways. This includes (but are not limited to):

  1.  GESI targeted activities in the project
  2. GESI defined outputs and outcomes
  3. GESI related indicators
  4. Policy on representation of women and minority groups among project staff and management arrangements (e.g. women representation in steering committee)
  5. Policy on women and minority representation in capacity development activities (e.g. number of women included in training activities)
  6. Monitoring and safeguard design to ensure GESI advancement as well as do no harm and procedures in case there are unwanted adverse effects documented
  7. Ensure potential sub-contractor GESI capacity and that monitoring of sub-contractor arrangements are in place vis-à-vis GESI
  8. Design adherence and promotion of the human rights conventions and UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and related resolutions on peace, women and security

GESI in the implementation phase

During implementation focus should be on: (a) following up on the GESI commitments in the project design, (b) adapting the project to new GESI opportunities when these emerge. In support of GEIS this includes (but is not limited to):

  1. Ensuring GESI capacity among staff
  2. Ensure relative representation of women and minorities among project staff
  3. Ensure GESI as part of ongoing project progress analysis
  4. Report on GESI indicators (e.g. gender segregated data collection and reporting)
  5. Monitor women and minorities representation in project activities
  6. Ensure GESI reporting is part of steering committee agenda
  7. Ensure GESI in policy dialogue with government and other project stakeholders
  8. Ensure emergency response preparedness in case of adverse effects on GESI

GESI in monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring implementation (through e.g. third party monitoring) or conducting mid-term or end of project evaluations will by Tana always include attention to GESI whether this is in the project design or not to ensure that GESI lessons learned are documented and fed back to the client.

This is on the one hand ensured by following up on gender and ethnicity disaggregated data, assessing the quality of this and the GESI effect. On the other hand, this is seldom sufficient, so monitoring and evaluation will need to ensure a GESI focus by:

  1. Having relative representation of women and minority groups in in the interview samples
  2. Assessing project attention to and implementation of GESI activities
  3. Assessing possible unattended positive and negative side effects of project on GESI
  4. Focusing on the outcome and impact of the project on GESI and not just individual activity inclusion counting

GESI on Tana operations and in the Tana office

The focus on GESI is not only an external part of Tana’s but also and internal focus on our organisation’s own effortstowards enhancing GESI. In practice this means that Tana constantly works towards:

  1. Ensuring that there is a strong representation of women and minority goruos on project teams
  2. That all project teams include experts with specific GESI expertise
  3. That GESI is part of the consideration when finding consortium partners (GESI policies of partners as well as their GESI capacities)
  4. Capacity and policies on GESI of sub-contractors
  5. Ensuring that Tana always has a strong in-house capacity on GESI
  6. Ensuring that GESI assessment is part of the Tana quality assurance process
  7. 7)  Ensuring a gender balanced staffing in Tana (currently this balance is 50/50)
  8. Encouraging a gender balanced and minority representation in the award of internships with Tana
  9. Ensuring that GESI is part of the yearly strategy process of Tana

Copenhagen, 27. maj 2019

Safeguarding Policy


This Safeguarding policy is intended to outline our organisation’s approach, practice and commitment to ensuring a comprehensively safe environment for all people that the organisation engages with. We intend to share this policy whenever relevant with staff and associated working with and for Tana Copenhagen ApS in order for them to be familiar with Tana’s commitment to safeguarding. This Policy is an overarching umbrella policy, which should be seen in connection to our other policies, guidelines and codes of conduct which guide our work, and which illustrate our ongoing commitment to be an ethical and responsible service provider. Subsequently the “do no harm” principle is recognisedas an important element in the strengthening of our safeguarding system.


Tana Copenhagen is committed to ensuring a safe and trusted environment which safeguards anyone who we have contact with, including beneficiaries, staff and partners. We are committed to fostering an organisational culture that prioritises safeguarding, so that it is safe for those affected to come forward, and to report incidents and concerns with the assurance that they will be handled sensitively and properly. This includes having the adequate safeguarding policies, procedures and measures to protect people and that these are shared and understood.


Tana uses the DFID broad definition of Safeguarding (1): “Safeguarding in its broad sense means protecting people and theenvironment from unintended harm”. We further consider Safeguarding as a threefold commitment that applies across programmes, partners and employees:

  1. Prevention – Taking responsibility to identify and minimise the risk of harm to people – particularly vulnerable adults and children – and the environment, in whatever form it might occur to avoid it from happening in the first place. This is closely related to our Gender and Social Inclusion Policy.
  2. Protection – Ensuring that we have the adequate, accountable and transparent systems in place to respond, report and learning when risks materialise.
  3. Response – Safeguarding that any complain, violation or harm done will be dealt with appropriately and with care by having the right response system. The system should be able to respond to harm caused by sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment or bullying.

The aim of these three pillars is to minimise the likelihood and impact of these actions towards both the aid beneficiaries, and also people who are working in the aid sector. It entails a wide potential range of policies, procedures and activities seeking to address the safety and wellbeing of the people we work with (1.6 presents the associated Tana policies) and ensuring that no abuse of power or relationships will take place (in line with our Sexual Harassment Policy).


The safeguarding principles that will underpin all our due diligence are as follows:

  • Everyone has responsibility for safeguarding
  • We commit to the principle of ‘Do no harm’
  • We take our safeguarding duty of care seriously and are also committed to ensuring that our down-streampartner part of delivery have the necessary knowledge and systems in place to safeguard.
  • We act with integrity and in accordance with the human rights-based approach principles of participation,accountability, non-discrimination and inclusion.
  • All our activities consider the best interest of children (2) (someone under the age of 18) and other vulnerablepersons. Furthermore, all children and adults shall be treated equally, irrespective of race, gender, religion/or none, sexual orientation or disability.
  • In all our work we conduct solid risk assessment and risk management plans, particularly for assignments insensitive contexts or where there is deemed high reputational, ethical or professional risks.
  • We are committed to protecting personal and sensitive data in line with our internal data breach guidelines and the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. We have the systems in place ensuring that we can handle confidential and sensitive data both virtually as well as physically. All Tana employees also have the necessary protection programs installed on the computers (including antivirus, anti-spyware and firewallsoftware).

Tana staff are obliged to follow these principles. Our external consultants and partners should also conduct themselvesin line with Tana’s Code of Conduct and policies (see section 1.6)


Tana is committed to spreading the awareness of our Safeguarding Policy and employing a system that permits safe and accessible reporting of safeguarding concerns from employees and the communities in which we work. We have regular staff trainings, were procedures for reporting a suspected breach (or any other related issues such as sexual harassment, ethical, corruption etc.) and associated consultants are clearly informed in their contracts of such reporting mechanism.

Our reporting mechanism is outlined in our Whistleblower Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy. Employees who havea complaint or concern relating to safeguarding should report it immediately to Tana’s Managing Director in person orvia e-mail to eb@tanacph.com. Reports can also be done anonymously via mobile phone (+45 3536 1915) or mail (info@tanacph.com).


The Safeguarding Policy complements our other policies and codes of conduct which guide our work and set out the principles of our professional engagement with clients, partners and beneficiaries. We are committed to identifying safeguarding needs and setting policies for our employees and associates to follow. We also expect our partners and suppliers to apply similar measures within their organisations. This Safeguarding Policy is associated to the following mother Tana policies and codes of conduct, which all apply to all Tana staff and associated consultants:


1 Enhanced Due Diligence – Safeguarding for External Partners, June 2018 – link.

2 In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) – link.

Copenhagen May 2019


Whistleblower Policy

Tana is committed to ensure its own policies -as well as its clients- are adhered to the high integrity standard at all times. Tana is also committed to report any illegal behavior/act/event when we and/or any of our partners evidence it. In such cases, reports will be provided to the management forthwith and immediate investigation and appropriate actions will be taken.

This policy is therefore intended to encourage anyone including Tana’s staffs, former staffs, clients and partner to report suspected or actual occurrence(s) of illegal, unethical or inappropriate behavior/act/event without fearing retaliation or retribution.

The following principles of the policy apply:

  1. Tana’s internal staffs, former staffs, sub-consultants and others partners (the Whistleblower) should make a report to his/her supervisor if they have a suspicion of corruption or unethical behavior/event such as (but not limited to):
    • Any abuse of human rights
    • Any violation of law, regulations and internal policies
    • Misbehavior with regard to accounting and auditing
    • Fraud, theft and other illegal practices
    • Improper giving or receiving gifts (bribery and corruption)
    • Scientific research misconduct
    • Discrimination and harassment in any form
    • Breaching of data security as well as misused of Tana’s database
  2. In a situation where a whistleblower feel uncomfortable or uneasy to report the suspicious behavior/act/event directly to the supervisor, the whistleblower can report it to the Tana Senior Management in person or via mail to eb@tanacph.com.
  3. The Whistleblower can also be anonymous and report the suspicious behavior/act/event via mobile 
phone (+45 3536 1915) or mail (info@tanacph.com). However, Tana encourages whistleblowers to provide name and contact detail in order to make it easier for the management to address the case.
  4. Tana will not discharge, suspend, harass, discriminate nor giving retribution against the Whistleblower who makes a report with respect and in good faith without any intention to damage Tana, the staffs, clients and partners. Anyone who retaliates against the Whistleblower will 
be subject to discipline, including termination of employee status.
  5. A Whistleblower who makes a report that is not done in good faith and with malice to harm Tana, its staffs, clients and partners is subject to discipline, 
including termination of the employee status or consultancy, or other legal means to 
protect the reputation of Tana Copenhagen, clients, partners or affected staff.
  6. Any crimes against person or property, such as assault, rape, burglary, etc. will immediately be 
reported to local law enforcement personnel.
  7. Supervisors or managers who receive the reports must promptly act to investigate and/or 
resolve the issue. As part of this process the manager most immediately inform Tana senior 


  1. Within five business days, whistleblower shall receive a feedback from his/her report and an update regarding the investigation process, disposition or resolution of the case.
  2. Should the whistleblower is not satisfied with Tana’s internal management investigation and suspected theinvestigation is not conducted in good faith, he/she has the right to report the case to law enforcement agencies.
  3. Tana will ensure confidentiality the whistleblower, unless the issue requires investigation by law enforcement and members of the organisation are subject to subpoena.

Copenhagen May 2019


Contents of the Tana site

The Consultant or other persons accessing Tana’s website acknowledges that the lay-out as well as any item appearing on the Tana website, in particular, but not limited to, the texts, data, projects, databases, graphics, images, designs, logos (hereinafter the “Contents”), are protected by copyright. Any reproduction, adaptation, translation, or public communication of the Contents, or any part thereof, is subject to the prior and written approval of Tana.

The Consultants or other persons accessing the website are not authorised, whether for commercial or purely complimentary means, to copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute or translate all or part of the Contents without the prior and written permission of Tana. The Consultant or other person may not use the Personal data available on the website for marketing purposes.

Tana may insert hypertext link in its pages. However, Tana is not responsible for the contents that appear on the sites of these third parties.

Applicable law

The Privacy Policy & Terms of Use of the Tana website, together with the different relations between Tana and its Consultants are governed by the Danish law, independently of any other jurisdiction. The failure of Tana to exercise the rights granted herein does not mean that it waives its rights to enforce these rights. Should any dispute arise from this contractual relationship, the parties hereby undertake to seek a friendly settlement before going to court.

Read our Terms and Conditions here