Programme Completion Review: Market Development in Northern Ghana (MADE)
MADE is a £15.98m programme funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Department Office (FCDO). The programme seeks to improve the incomes and resilience of poor farmers and small-scale rural entrepreneurs in the Northern Savannah Economic Zone by improving the way in which markets work, with a focus on agricultural value chains: rice, groundnuts, onions, and other vegetables including chilli.
Tana Copenhagen has been appointed by FCDO to conduct an independent review of the performance of MADE over its full project cycle. This will include: (1) reviewing the programmes results; (2) reviewing the aggregate effect of the programme’s interventions on the range of market system changes and reforms and whether these have achieved value for money; (3) documenting the quality and performance of the programme partnerships, including partnership formed with government, the private sector and other stakeholders; (4) assessing the programme learnings and how these have been shared; and (5) identifying lessons learnt for future programming.