Resilience Assessments and Resilience Roadmap creation in Support of Programming in the Horn of Africa – European Commission – currently undertaking

The countries in the greater Horn of Africa (HoA) – in this case defined as consisting of Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan – are facing complex crises. The Horn of Africa Initiative (HoAI) was established by the seven HoA countries to promote coordinated action for addressing shared challenges to economic growth and poverty eradication. The EU launched the EU Alliance for the HoAI in 2023 to help this endeavor. This initiative will support two pillars of the HoAI: i) promoting trade and economic integration, and ii) building resilience. This assignment supports the latter pillar. 

The overall objective of the Resilience Assessments and Resilience Roadmap creation in the Horn of Africa region is to support resilience-building in the EU’s external actions. This will be done through collaboration with INTPA G5 on provision of technical assistance to EU Delegations in the Horn of Africa Region for carrying out resilience assessments and development of resilience roadmaps outlining the dimensions of resilience that should be targeted.