Qualitative and Quantitative Impact Evaluation on the SIDA-One Earth Future (OEF) Somali Credit Guarantee (CGS) Project in the Somali Region

One Earth Future Foundation (OEF) is an incubator of innovative peace-building programs that designs, tests, and partners to scale programs that work hand-in-hand with those affected by conflict to eliminate the root causes of war. Sida has issued a portfolio loan guarantee to One Earth Future Foundation for participating Somali Banks implemented through Somali Credit Guarantee Scheme (SCGS) project. SCGS has raised a lot of attention as it is the first credit guarantee of its kind ever in the Somali Region.

OEF has contracted Tana Copenhagen to undertake an impact evaluation of the SCGS project. The evaluation will assess the results achieved and the alignment of project impacts with the expectations of the project. Moreover, the evaluation will generate lessons for OEF and Sida dealing with what is working in the project and what can be improved as the project proceeds. The evaluation occurs at an important midway point for the project, allowing it to reflect on past performance and adapt accordingly for the future. These findings will also contribute to future design and management decisions for new project phases, including opportunities for scaling up. The evaluation will provide important insights into the project’s operations based on an objective analysis of the project’s portfolio and performance, as well as on insights from lenders and borrowers.