Evaluation of the Research Capacity Building Program ‘Strengthening of FNI as National Research Fund’ funded by Sweden

During the last decades Sida has provided substantial development support for research capacity in Mozambique. And a special initiative has been launched for building research systems by a support to the Tanzanian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), and a part of the strategy includes the creation of an infrastructure for a national research foundation: Fundo Nacional de Investigaçao (FNI).

The main purpose of the evaluation is twofold; (1) to provide FNI with an independent analysis of the program’s achievements, strengths and weaknesses to inform planning and decision-making for a possible new implementation phase; and (2) to provide the Embassy of Sweden (EoS) in Mozambique with informed analysis and relevant findings to inform their assessment of performance to date, and to help the process of preparing possible next phases of the intervention. Based on mix-methods approach and addressing seven OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, noted in the ToR, the evaluation will draw lessons learned, identify challenges and note best practices.