Tana's recent assignments are shown here
Strengthening resilience to violent extremism
Tana recently carried out an independent evaluation of the European Commission’s flagship project countering violent extremism in the Horn of Africa (STRIVE HoA). This assessed the extent to which STRIVE HoA has contributed to best practices and knowledge about how to strengthen the resilience of individuals and communities to extremism and violence, particularly amongst marginalised…
Formulation of Uganda Country Programme
Tana is currently formulating the new Danish Country Programme for Uganda 2018 – 2022. The programme will have a budget of 750 million DKK for the period. The country programmewill consist of 2 thematic programmes. One supporting good governance and democracy, and the other supporting growth and employment. The good governance and democracy programme will…
Understanding the Informal Settlement Managers in Somalia
Tana Copenhagen has just published its paper on Understanding the Informal Settlement Managers in Somalia related to the implementation of our Accountability of Informal Camp Managers project under the DFID Implementation and Analysis in Action of Accountability Programme (IAAAP).
Formulation of Danish Neigbourhood Programme
Tana Copenhagen has won the assignment to undertake the Scoping and formulation of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme in Ukraine and Georgia 2017–2021. The programme will have a total budget of 800 million DKK. The programme will focus on Democracy and Human Rights as well as inclusive economic growth. Tana will provide 6 consultants for assigment.…
Tana together with DIIS is launching a joint seminar: Non-state actors and hybrid governance in Africa – what works?
International development interventions are increasingly partnering with non-state actors who deliver public goods or services. This trend reflects donors and policy-makers’ realization that state fragility is not easily overcome. In situations where multiple actors provide governance – a scenario referred to as ‘hybrid governance’ – the new imperative is to work, empower and partly formalize…
Formulation of Palestine Country Programme
Tana is currently in the process of formulating a new Danida Country Programme for Palestine 2016-2020. Tana is providing 3 experts for the assignment, inlcuding a Team Leader, Green Growth Expert and a Governance and Human Rights Expert. The programme will include the following 3 thematic programmes:– Supporting state building efforts– Promoting Economic Development– Human…
UNDP Somalia Rule of Law Perception Survey
Tana has won the consultancy for the UNDP Somalia Rule of Law Perception Survey 2015-2016. Tana will provide 2 consultants for the assignment. The contract will run over a period of 19 months. The aim of the surveys is to determine public knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of rule of law institutions, trust in…
Implementation and analysis in Action of Accountability Programme
Tana has won an assignment under the Implementation and analysis in Action of Accountability Programme in Somalia under DFID. The won assignment, Accountability of IDP Camp “Gatekeepers” in Mogadishu, has been designed by Tana and follows a feasibility study carried out by Tana in April/May 2015. The assignment will run over the course of 1…
World Bank Report on Forced Displacement and Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa
The World Bank report on Displacement and Mixed Migration in the Horn of Africa, which Tana has assisted in producing, has just been published. The study was carried out in cooperation with UNHCR and supports the increased international coordination between the UN and the World Bank. The study on displacement is intended to support the…
Long-term Advisory Services of UNDP’s Afghanistan Sub-national Governance Program (ASGP)
Tana, together with Indevelop, has been commissioned by the Swedish Government to advise the Government of Afghanistan and UNDP on how to improve decentralisation reform and implementation across the country. In short, Tana will work to ensure enhanced accountability and transparency of local level service delivery with emphasis on women and marginalized groups. The advise…
Danida Good Governance Programme in Kosovo
In early December, Tana carried out an identification mission in Kosovo for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida). The mission was the initial phase of a formulation of the programme, which it is intended will provide support of up to EUR 4 mio between 2015 and 2018 to Kosovo’s efforts to strengthen democracy and…
Tana does Study on Displacement in Somalia for World Bank
The WB is currently in the process of developing a regional approach to the Horn, structured around two pillars (i) Vulnerability and Resilience and (ii) Economic opportunity and Integration. The study on displacement is intended to support the operational development of this strategy. It also supports the increased international coordination between the UN and WB…