Category / Tana Services / Evaluation / Tana Country / Lebanon / Tana Tematic Areas / Statebuilding and Governance
After 9 years of MoSA, PCM and WFP joint engagement with the NPTP, this evaluation is being commissioned for the following reasons: – To generate evidence to inform future MoSA and WFP engagement in the future planning, programming, targeting, implementation, and accountability systems for the national social protection system in Lebanon; – To propose, as…
Fragility Risk and Resilience Study to inform the formulation of the next Denmark-Ethiopia Country Strategic Framework and Denmark’s upcoming country programme in Ethiopia (2025-2029) – recently finalised
The Royal Danish Embassy in Ethiopia (RDE) is responsible for preparing the next Denmark- Ethiopia Country Strategic Framework and Denmark’s upcoming country programme in Ethiopia (2025-2029). The country’s strategic framework and the country programme will be informed by several studies undertaken during the initial stages of programming including a Fragility Risk and Resilience Study. The…
Mid-term review of the SALAR Project in Armenia: “Support to Decentralisation and Local Self-Government reforms” (DeaLoG) – The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) – recently finalised
SALAR/SALAR International has launched the project “Support to Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reforms” (DeaLoG) in Armenia, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as part of Sweden’s reform cooperation with Eastern Europe (2021-2027). Primary purposes of the Mid-Term Review are to assess the project relevance and response to the needs and priorities,…
Resilience Assessments and Resilience Roadmap creation in Support of Programming in the Horn of Africa – European Commission – currently undertaking
The countries in the greater Horn of Africa (HoA) – in this case defined as consisting of Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan – are facing complex crises. The Horn of Africa Initiative (HoAI) was established by the seven HoA countries to promote coordinated action for addressing shared challenges to economic growth…
Design, administration and principles for an IMO Global Fund for Green Shipping- Danish Maritime Authority
Member States of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have recently adopted the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships in July 2023, with significantly strengthened levels of ambitions from the initial climate strategy from 2018. The purpose of the assignment is: a) To provide a mapping of existing relevant international funds, b)…
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Unit for Syria-Iraq Peace and Stabilisation Programme 2022-2025
The objective of the assignment is to support the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to monitor and report on the performance, progress, obstacles and setbacks, risks, results and achievements of the Syria-Iraq Peace and Stabilisation Programme (SI-PSP). The assignment will also collect and present lessons being learned and propose possible changes, adaptations and revisions…
Review of Project Proposals Submitted to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)
In 2015, representatives from 196 countries signed a historic climate change agreement, designating the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Green Climate Fund (GCF) as financial mechanisms. GCF became operational in 2014-15, completing its first replenishment in 2019 with over $9.7 billion USD pledged. The Global Environment Facility (GEF), founded in 1992, addresses environmental issues through…
Evaluation of Norwegian Aid Engagement in the Sahel
Norwegian engagement in the Sahel dates back to the 1970s, with a specific Sahel programme launched in the mid-1980s with the main focus on agriculture and food security in Mali. The Sahel engagement expanded with Mali becoming a partner country in 2013 and Niger in 2017. Norway has a long tradition of providing support for…
Review of the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD)
Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD) was established by law in 2010 as a self-governing institution under public administration with the overall vision to contribute to the development of political parties and well-functioning multi-party systems in developing countries. DIPD’s new 2021-2025 strategy aims to promote the development of vibrant and well-functioning multi-party democracies with…
Appraisal of the Niger Bilateral Programme: 2023 – 2027
Niger is today confronted by a multi-dimensional crisis stemming from national, regional, and global factors, counting the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel, the effects of climate change, geopolitical competition, and a humanitarian and food crisis. Denmark and Niger both are interested in ensuring stability and improving the population’s living conditions by combatting terrorism, strengthening…
Development of a Programme Document for Danida Sustainable Infrastructure (DSIF) Project Development Facility (PDF)
Danida Sustainable Infrastructure Finance (DSIF) was established in 1993. It provides subsidised loans to commercially non-viable sustainable infrastructure projects in developing countries. In 2007, the operational management of DSIF was moved to the Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU), while strategic responsibility and grant authority remained in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with the Ministry…
Programming of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine January 2023 – July 2024
The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) is an EU program that is implemented and co-financed by Denmark. And Russia’s invasion to Ukraine on February 2022 has forced EUACI to adapt to a completely new context. In relation to that, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs appointed Tana Copenhagen to provide assistance in developing a…
Feasibility Study on Climate Resilience for Refugee Affected Areas and Regions in Uganda
Since 1998, Denmark has supported sustainable and inclusive economic development in refugee-affected areas with a focus on Northern Uganda. Currently, Denmark supports development in Northern Uganda through the Northern Uganda Resilience Initiative (NURI) 2018-2022 with a focus on climate-smart agriculture, agriculture-related rural infrastructure and water resources management. The current activities are implemented in both refugee-hosting…
Inception Review of Danish Support to Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP)
In order to scale up adaptation to climate change in Africa, Denmark has provided support for the implementation of the Africa Adaption Acceleration Program (AAAP), developed and co-lead by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA). More specifically, the projects focus on the AAAP pillar “African Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator” (AIRA), which aims…
Evaluation of Think Tank Development Initiative in Ukraine (TTDI) and Environmental Policy and Advocacy Initiative for Ukraine (EPAIU)
Since 2014, Sida has supported two projects: Think Tank Development Initiative (TTDI) for Ukraine and Environmental Policy and Advocacy Initiative for Ukraine (EPAIU). Both projects are implemented through International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), a Ukrainian non-governmental organisation (NGO) and part of the Open Society Foundations. TTDI has focused on strengthening independent public policy think tanks in the…
Evaluation of Guarantee Instrument and Technical Assistance Offered to Enat Bank to Increase Access to Capital for Women-Owned/Managed Small Medium Enterprises in Ethiopia
Established in 2013, Enat Bank is a niche bank focusing on lending to women-owned/managed SMEs in Ethiopia. It was started by women – for women – and is currently 66% owned by women. Sida together with USAID has provided technical assistance to Enat Bank since 2016. This contribution follows the Swedish strategy for development cooperation for…
Final Evaluation of the Joint UN SDG Fund Joint Programme for Social Protection in Kenya
The Joint Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Fund is a development cooperation mechanism created in 2014 to support sustainable development activities through integrated and multidimensional Joint Programmes. The Joint Programme aims at supporting the Government of Kenya (GoK) to move from a poverty-targeted approach which excludes 78 per cent of the vulnerable population, to a more…
Evaluation of Ghana WFP Country Strategic Plan (2018-2023)
Tana has been appointed by WFP to undertake an evaluation of Ghana WFP Country Strategic Plan (2018-2023). The evaluation covers all WFP’s many activities in Ghana that seek to address vulnerabilities of populations including children and women of reproductive age to improve their nutritional status; enable prioritised populations and communities to benefit from more efficient, inclusive…
Evaluation of the Research Capacity Building Program ‘Strengthening of FNI as National Research Fund’ funded by Sweden
During the last decades Sida has provided substantial development support for research capacity in Mozambique. And a special initiative has been launched for building research systems by a support to the Tanzanian Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT), and a part of the strategy includes the creation of an infrastructure for a national research foundation:…
Assistance to Drafting Documentation for the Transition Programme in Afghanistan
The Danish strategy “The World We Share” reiterates a clear political commitment to continue Danish support to Afghanistan. For twenty years Denmark had had this bilateral engagement using combined efforts in development, humanitarian, stabilisation, diplomacy and defence to support security and development of the country – however, the Afghan country context underwent significant changes during…
Technical Review of the Danish Support to the Somalia Joint Programme for Local Governance and Service Delivery (JPLG III)
Denmark has been supporting the UN “Joint Program on Local Governance and Decentralised Service-Delivery” (JPLG) in Somalia since 2008. The program, now in its third iteration (“JPLG III”), represents one of Denmark’s largest and longest running investments in Somalia and Somaliland. At the broadest level, the JPLG III focuses on achieving three primary outcomes: (1) improving…
Near–End Review of the Tax Modernisation Programme to Support Implementation of Tanzania Revenue Authority’s Fifth Corporate Plan (CP5)
The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established in 1996. Development Partners (DPs) have supported TRA through Tax Modernisation Programme (TMP) since 1999. Currently the implementation of TMP programme is in its fifth period and it is called the Fifth Corporate Plan (CP5). The overall objective of the CP5 is to enhance domestic resource mobilisation through enhanced voluntary…
Technical Assistance to Support the Youth Advisory Panel in Palestine
The United Nations, the European Union and Denmark believe that involving young people in shaping and implementing development policies and programmes is an important strategy towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. And involving young people is a top priority for Denmark, EU and UN in Palestine. Aiming to ensure that the young people are systematically given…
Preparation and Design of a Research Capacity Development and Collaboration Programme in East Africa
Research capacity development and collaboration schemes have been an important component of Danish development assistance for many years. The Building Stronger Universities (BSU) programme was established in 2011 as collaboration between Universities Denmark (representing all Danish universities) and 11 higher education institutions in five countries in Africa and Asia. While BSU has in the past included collaboration between…
Building Peace! Lessons from the Peace-building Work of the Folke Bernadotte Academy
Join this seminar arranged by the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) – available offline and online! 11 May, 14:30 – 16:00 Since its founding in 2002 the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) has become an important actor in Swedish development cooperation, both financially and in terms of mandates within several geographic and thematic strategies. The…
Evaluation of the Project “Building Market Value Based Property Tax (PROTAX)” in Albania
Sweden has been supporting the Public Finance Management Reform in Albania within Reform Cooperation Strategy for Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey 2014 – 2020, strengthened democracy, human rights and rule of law result area. The Albanian Government through Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE) has entered into an agreement in March 2018 with Swedish…
Qualitative and Quantitative Impact Evaluation on the SIDA-One Earth Future (OEF) Somali Credit Guarantee (CGS) Project in the Somali Region
One Earth Future Foundation (OEF) is an incubator of innovative peace-building programs that designs, tests, and partners to scale programs that work hand-in-hand with those affected by conflict to eliminate the root causes of war. Sida has issued a portfolio loan guarantee to One Earth Future Foundation for participating Somali Banks implemented through Somali Credit…
Domain Researchers Study in Somalia
African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) is an organisation based in UK aiming to generate evidence to tackle complex urbanisation problems in some of Africa’s fastest growing city areas through localised activity. ACRC has contracted Tana Copenhagen to conduct “Domain Researchers Study” in Somalia. Urban development domains are defined by ACRC as fields of power, policy, practice and knowledge…
Mid-Term Review of Somaliland Development Fund Phase 2
The Somaliland Development Fund Phase Two (SDF2) is a multi-donor fund that supports the Government of Somaliland (GoSL) in the delivery of basic services. SDF2 is a flagship economic recovery and infrastructure programme for Somaliland covering the period September 2018 to March 2024. It provides a coordinated donor investment for critical infrastructure projects prioritized under…
Baseline Study for the Strengthening Civil Society Policy Framework (Lot 2 Sahel) – Burkina Faso
Civil society is recognised to have an important role in reaching the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development goals, and is essential for a well-functioning democracy and an inclusive society, as the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Netherlands also acknowledges. Funding for Civil Society Organisations (CSO) under the grant instrument of the Policy Framework for Strengthening…